The Speciality deals with the management of decayed teeth, diseases of the pulp and their sequel, with emphasis on preservation of the tooth. The Department trains both postgraduate and under graduate students and the treatments carried out include restoration of decayed/fractured teeth, root canal treatment, and full mouth rehabilitation. Cosmetic makeover of decayed, disfigured and discoloured teeth is also carried out.

Infection control and asepsis is given the utmost emphasis with a fully equipped sterilization room. The department is equipped with state of the art equipments like Electronic apex locaters, Endo motors, Radio visio graphy(RVG) and power bleaching equipment which helps deliver quality care of international standard to the patients. We also have a 60 chaired phantom head lab and fully equipped laboratory with all equipments including a ceramic furnace.

Other facilities include online journals, a well stocked department library and Seminar room with audio visual facilities

A conservative dentist is your champion for preserving your natural smile. Their philosophy revolves around saving teeth whenever possible, prioritizing minimally invasive procedures to restore tooth health and function. This might involve fillings for cavities, crowns for damaged teeth, or even root canal therapy to address infected pulp. Advanced techniques and materials are their allies, allowing for tooth-colored restorations that blend beautifully and procedures like laser dentistry for enhanced precision and potentially shorter recovery times. Ultimately, choosing a conservative dentist offers a multitude of benefits: preserving your natural tooth structure for better long-term health, minimizing discomfort, maintaining a natural-looking smile, and potentially reducing treatment costs compared to more complex procedures. They are your partners in keeping your smile healthy and strong for years to come.


Endodontics, also known as root canal therapy, is the dental specialty focused on saving your teeth from the inside out. It deals with the dental pulp, the inner tooth tissue containing nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When this pulp gets infected or inflamed due to decay or trauma, it can cause pain and threaten the tooth's survival. Here's where endodontics comes in. Endodontists are experts at removing the infected pulp, meticulously cleaning and disinfecting the root canals (tiny chambers within the root), and sealing them to prevent further issues. This meticulous approach allows them to save your natural tooth, preserving its function and the aesthetics of your smile. Endodontic treatment offers a clear advantage over extraction – it keeps your natural chewing function intact, avoids the need for potentially more complex procedures, and ultimately, saves a tooth that holds significant value for your oral health.

A career in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics offers a rewarding path for dentists passionate about preserving smiles and utilizing their skills with precision.

  • High Demand and Strong Earnings: The demand for skilled conservative dentists and endodontists remains steady due to factors like an aging population, increasing focus on preventive dentistry, and a growing desire to preserve natural teeth. This translates to strong job security and competitive compensation.

  • Specialization and Expertise: This field allows you to refine your skills in minimally invasive techniques and complex procedures like root canal therapy. The challenge of mastering these procedures and achieving excellent patient outcomes is intellectually stimulating and professionally rewarding.

  • Patient Impact: Witnessing the positive impact on your patients' lives is a major benefit. By restoring tooth health and function, you alleviate pain, improve chewing ability, and ultimately help patients maintain a confident smile.

  • Diverse Practice Options: You can choose to work in private practice, a hospital setting, or even an academic environment. This flexibility allows you to tailor your career path to your interests and goals.

  • Continuous Learning and Advancement: Dentistry is a constantly evolving field, and endodontics is at the forefront of these advancements. You'll have opportunities to stay updated on the latest techniques and technologies, ensuring you provide the best possible care for your patients.